Like To Earn Some Extra Money For Yourself?


Like To Earn Some Money From Home Promoting The  Popular   Boston Terrier   ebook?

It's easy and the best part is you don't even have to be a computer whiz to do it!



Sharda Baker,

Dear friend,     

Hi there and welcome to my affiliate site where you learn how you or a family member could  earn some extra  money promoting  the Boston Terrier   ebook.

You don't even have to have your own  website!  But, if  you do have your own website,  you can still be part of our exciting affiliate program.

Does that sound like something that could interest you?

Let Me Tell You  a  Little More

We  pay a 55% commission for every sale of my downloadable Boston Terrier   ebook  that you refer.

 My  Boston Terrier   ebook package currently sells for US $27.77. 

Your commission for each sale of this product is 55% of the $27.77 which is    US $15.27.

That's $15.27 paid direct to you for every customer who purchases my package  after being referred by you. 

How Much Can I make?

 Every person who you refer via the special clickbank link, who purchases will get you a commission.

There is no guarantee of how much  income you will earn  of course.

That will depend on you. But remember, whenever you do refer a person using your unique clickbank link and that person  buys, you will get paid.

For Each Sale: You Earn: 55%
My Boston Terrier ebook sells for  = $27.77
You get 55% = $15.27

Here's a summary,


Books sold per day

Your monthly income

Your yearly income




















NB. The above figures are based on a 30 day month


Like the Best Support Of Any Affiliate Program Around?


To gain the maximum benefit from our affiliate program, please subscribe to our  FREE affiliate program.

By joining our free affiliate program, you will have access to;


  • Additional updated resources to help you maximize  your success promoting our product.    (This includes substantial advertising help).

  •  Updated product information- from time to time we update our ebook and bonuses. It's important you are made aware of those changes.

  • New selling opportunities. - As new products come along that prove to be successful, we can let you know which ones may be right for you to offer your customers / visitors.

Remember there are no costs to join and no ongoing costs.

I recommend you to subscribe now if you are serious about earning some income with us in our affiliate program.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Simply fill in your first name and email address,  then click enter.


Your details are kept 100% confidential and are never shared with anyone else.

You have my sincere promise on this!



This is how our affiliate program  works

We use   Clickbank's   independent  "bullet proof" tracking system which means you will get paid  automatically by clickbank for every referred customer who buys.

Clickbank   is one of the largest on line payment systems used by thousands and thousands of people to sell their products.

Click here to Find Out More How Clickbank  Bank Works

bulletClickbank is Known as The Most Trusted 3rd Party Affiliate Program On the Internet!

bulletChecks come TWICE A MONTH (1st and the 15th)  direct to you.

bulletClickbank  independently tracks all referrals and sales. Commissions will be paid direct to you by Clickbank.

bulletThat way your commission for referred customers who buy is guaranteed, and payments are safe and secure.

bulletIf you don't have a clickbank I, sign up here! It takes about 1 minute.


Click here to sign up for your FREE clickbank account now



What you need to do to start earning commissions?


To ensure you receive all your commissions you must use the special Clickbank  affiliate  link. 


What is a  Clickbank affiliate link"?

For you to earn credit for a sale, the customer you refer must first follow  your special Clickbank  link.

The link takes the customer to my  sales page, and automatically credits you, the affiliate, with that referral.

If the customer then proceeds and buys  you will be credited with that sale, even of the sale is made weeks or even months after you referred that person to my site.

How Does That Happen?

The link , when clicked by someone, sets a little cookie on the persons computer that clicked the link. That cookie remembers that person's computer and will credit them with a sale, even weeks or months after they initially clicked on that link! 

This guarantees that whoever clicks your special link to get to my website,  and then  purchases my ebook, will generate a secure affiliate payout  for you.


Here's How To Easily Get Started


Simple 3  Step Process To Start Earning Affiliate Income


Step 1.  Sign up for you FREE clickbank account

Click here to sign up for your FREE clickbank account now


Step 2.  Create your unique affiliate link

Simply insert your Clickbank ID / nickname (which you get from step 1 above) in the link below where it is marked clickbankID. It's that easy.!



It's important to make sure the link is copied correctly!

One suggestion would be to copy the link above and paste it into wordpad or microsoft word for example ,  then add you clickbank  ID/nickname where indicated.

Then copy and paste the link directly into your email or website or wherever else you choose to use the link.

This  way, there is less chance of you copying the link incorrectly.


For example only;

If , after you sign up for your free clickbank ID/nickname, you have the clickbankID/nickname of  happy27,  this is how your unique clickbank link will look;


Not so hard is it?




Step 3.   Start your advertising

Obviously the more people who you can direct to your link, the more people who will get to my website,  the more potential sales and therefore the more potential income for you.

There are many  ways you can start earning your commissions referring people to my  Boston Terrier   ebook.

Here are some examples;


  • If you have a list of subscribers already interested with this breed of dog, then you can easily refer your list to the ebook using your special link.


  • Another way would be to hook up with the various Boston Terrier   Clubs in your area and place a small add in their newsletter, web site etc


  • For those with a website (remember you do NOT  need a website to earn commissions from my ebook), you may like to place your special clickbank link on your website.

Each time someone clicks on your link, they will be sent to my web site and tracked as your customer when they purchase. You make a commission each time this happens!


In summary , what we can offer you....


bullet$15.27 paid direct to you for every customer who purchases my package  after being referred by you. 

bulletAverage conversion rates are 1 - 4 % 

bulletYou will receive instant email notification (from clickbank) of each and every sale referred by you and the amount of money you earned from that  sale.

bulletYou Have Access to your own Clickbank your account 24 hours per day—Simply, log in to Clickbank any time and monitor your account activity in real-time. You can see how many sales you have made and how much in commissions you have earned. (This becomes available when you sign up for your FREE clickbank account).

bulletYou have email access to us for support should you require it.


Wishing you every success.


No Spam Policy—Please note that our affiliate program does not tolerate any form of spamming. It's not only illegal but can create a bad reputation for our product and brand...all of which would hurt our affiliates. Violators of this policy are removed from the affiliate program immediately. Our active policing of spam is another way we ensure our affiliates are able to successfully promote this wonderful product.

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